This spring my husband and I have been busy working on the next phase of projects in our garden. Now that it has finally warmed up, we have finally begun. Here’s what we have been working on so far and my latest garden update…
Current Projects
This spring has been incredibly busy and I’ve tried to make the most of my afternoons after work and weekends slowly chipping away at my (long) list of projects (and ideas).
Side Garden:
- Digging up the remaining sod, laying gravel and installing a hobby greenhouse! (Digging up sod is the bane of my existence! With that said, doing it yourself is extremely budget friendly).
- Planting new shrubs (like a Laced-Up Elderberry!) I’m trying to work on adding different colored leaf textures into the gardens for depth.
Front Garden:
- This past weekend I finished installing the last fence panel to our front garden picket fence! If interested in this exact fence here is the link!
- Finish digging up sod, designing layout of beds, laying mulch, planting seedlings and lots of supertunia’s!

Fall & Winter Interest
I highly recommend watching and observing your garden to see what stands out in each season. I noticed my gardens are really lacking with fall and winter interest and have made it a goal to focus on landscaping with these seasons in mind. Think fall foliage and winter structures! I’m hoping our new picket fence will be a great addition for winter structure.
I feel even with a small cozy garden (like ours-0.25 acres), you can still achieve visual impact throughout the seasons! This is something I am hoping I can achieve over the next few years. If you have any recommendations for some of your favorite fall or winter shrubs and small trees that you think I should try, please comment below!
Texture & Composition
An additional goal of mine is to work on layering in different leaf textures and composition to my garden beds. I’m thinking of adding in pops of purple, red and black foliage to bring depth to the garden while also layering in pops of chartreuse and lighter greens for brightness.
This past weekend I planted up a black foliage shrub called, “Laced-Up Elderberry” and planted this along the back fence. This is supposed to be the “smaller” version of the Elderberries, however states it can still achieve heights between 6-10ft! (Which would be great as I would love to create a living privacy fence.)
Current Before/After Garden Update!
If only it were that easy to press the fast forward button and have your garden just the way you envisioned. Here is where the garden stand a year and a half later!
While I still have a lot of ideas and projects on the list, I am happy with the progress we have made thus far. I feel incredibly lucky to have this spot to tinker away in and hope to continue sharing in our journey along the way.
What’s your garden goal or wishlist for this year?